Apply for a mobility exchange
Full 2-year scholarships applications are now closed
The September 1, 2023 deadline has passed. Thank you for your throughful applications. Applicants will be contacted with a decision as soon as possible.
Apply for a short-term exchange to a Norwegian university
If you are a graduate student at a BiGTREE partner university in South America (UNMSM, Universidad del Rosario, Universidad del Valle, or Universidad ICESI) and are considering an exchange to a BiGTREE partner university in Norway in 2024, please make contact with a potential host in Norway and take note of the following websites and deadlines for the first semester of 2024 (begins in January).
University of Oslo (UiO): 15 October, 2023
University of Bergen (UiB): 1 October, 2023
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): 1 October, 2023