Alejandra Arana Salinas - Geographic variation in phylogenetic diversity of terrestrial bird communities in Peruvian Amazonia

A native bird of the Peruvian Amazon.

Home institution and supervisors
Jorge Luis Ramirez Malaver. UNMSM, Peru.

Host institution and supervisors
Michael D. Martin & Jaime Morin. NTNU, Norway. 2022.

Project description
In order to analyze the phylogenetic diversity in communities of birds along different latitudinal and altitudinal gradients in the Peruvian Amazonia, it is necessary to have a comprehensive molecular library. In this project we will use samples from museum specimens to complete this library. At NTNU's dedicated paleo-genomics lab facilities, Alejandra will perform DNA extraction, amplification of DNA barcodes and assembly of genome-skimming data, as well as NGS sequencing of samples that belong to the historical collection (specimens that are more than 150 years old), and bioinformatic analysis.


Juan Francisco Esteves Ramírez - Archaeogenomics for molecular identification of botanical and faunal remains from the Túcume archaeological complex