Daniel Angulo Serrano - Effects of altitude and range on root metagenomic diversity in Colombia’s mountain Ericaceae plants

A páramo ecosystem. Image (c) Missouri Botanical Garden.

Home institution and supervisors
Michael D. Martin, Glenn Dunshea. NTNU, Norway.

Host institution and supervisors
Maria Camilo Pizano Gomez. Universidad Icesi, Colombia. 2023.

Project description
Daniel will use metagenomic sequencing and analysis methods to identify microbes associated with high-altitude neotropical Pernettya (Ericaceae) plants in Colombia’s three major mountain ecosystems. The project will explore the previously reported dominance of arbuscular mycorrhiza in these systems, to look for associations with microbial metabolic processes, and to investigate whether Ericaceae-specific ericoid fungi confer functions that benefit the plants survival in the harsh páramo environment.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.


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