Juan David Sanchez Tello - Metagenomics of root-associated fungi in the Espeletia plant radiation
Espeletia plants in their páramo habitat.
Home institution and supervisor
Adriana Corrales. Universidad del Rosario, Colombia.
Host institution and supervisors
Michael D. Martin, Jaelle Brealey & Jaime Morin, NTNU, Norway. 2022.
Project description
This project aims to characterize the root microbiome of various Espeletia species in Colombian páramo habitats, specifically seeking to identify differences among species and sites of the root associated fungi. Scanned images of the roots will be used to measure root functional traits and to test for any influence of root fungal species composition on root functional traits. During the visit, Juan David will utilize NTNU's dedicated genomics lab facilities to perform DNA extraction and NGS sequencing. This will be followed by metagenomic assembly and analysis to identify fungal microbiome constituents associated with the roots .